Sunday, June 19, 2005

Video Poker

I went to a local casino today to play some video poker, which I do quite often. And one thing that struck me about it was the way you have to make your bet before every hand. Unlike live poker or online poker where you can make a judgement before you bet.

In a live game what has happened, before it is your turn to act, greatly affects what you are going to do. In video poker you are limited to that one bet before the hand is dealt and you can't raise,call, or fold. There isn't much leeway to use any strategy other than what cards to draw to.
So I wondered why I play the game, when I know I can't control the outcome. The only thing I can think of, is that the game is addictive and once I start I can't control myself.

If anyone else sees this differently please let me know!


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